Fixing QuickBooks Error 6144 82 : A Comprehensive Guide

 QuickBooks is an accounting software designed to help small businesses manage their finances. However, like all software, QuickBooks can sometimes encounter errors that can disrupt your work. One such error is QuickBooks Error 6144 82. This error occurs when the user is unable to access the company file due to a network issue or a damaged company file. In this article, we will discuss the causes of QuickBooks Desktop Error Message 6144 82, how to identify it, and some troubleshooting steps to fix the issue.

Causes of QuickBooks Desktop Error 6144 82:

  1. Damaged company file: If the company file is damaged or corrupted, it can lead to QuickBooks Error 6144 82.
  2. Network issues: If there is an issue with the network, such as a weak or unstable connection, it can lead to Intuit QB Error Message Code 6144 82.
  3. QuickBooks installation issues: If QuickBooks is not installed correctly or there are some missing files, it can cause QuickBooks 2014 Error Code 6144 82.
  4. User permission issues: If the user does not have sufficient permission to access the company file, it can lead to QuickBooks company file error 6144 82.
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Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 6144 82:

  1. QuickBooks Error 6144 82 message is displayed on the screen.
  2. QuickBooks freezes or crashes frequently.
  3. The computer responds slowly to keyboard and mouse input.
  4. You are unable to open the company file.
  5. The company file is missing or corrupted.
Steps to Fix QuickBooks Company File Error 6144 82:

  • Repair the company file: Firstly, you need to repair the company file. You can do this by running the QuickBooks File Doctor tool.
  • Check network connectivity: Make sure that your network connection is stable and strong. You can try resetting your router or modem to fix any network issues.
  • Update QuickBooks: Make sure that you have the latest version of QuickBooks installed on your computer. You can update QuickBooks by going to the Help menu and selecting Update QuickBooks.
  • Check user permissions: Make sure that the user has sufficient permission to access the company file. You can do this by going to the User List and checking the permissions for the user.
  • Restore a backup: If none of the above steps work, you can try restoring a backup of the company file. This will ensure that you can access a working version of the company file.


QuickBooks Error 6144 82 is a common error that occurs when the user is unable to access the company file due to various reasons such as a network issue or a damaged company file. To fix the issue, you can try repairing the company file, checking network connectivity, updating QuickBooks, checking user permissions, or restoring a backup of the company file. If you continue to experience issues with QuickBooks Enterprise Error 6144 82, you may want to contact QuickBooks customer support +1-(855)-955-1942 for further assistance.

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